

S🕞u🌨gar4 melon is a🐹 tra💷dition❎al snack in the northern🦯 regio💥n♠s o🍿f China. There's a saying that “s🍍ugar 🌻melo🕊n is 😈🧗serv👿ed on 🧉the 2⛴3rd day of the 12t🐞h 🎗lunar mo🚔nth.” Accor😼ding to a♟ 🚞Chinese fol👨k🐽 leg📛end,🎷 📏on this day, the Kitchen🕗 God🥱 would👴 report peo♋p🌯le's daily 🏤li🔶ves and deeds t🍀o🐌⬆ the Jade Emperor in heaven. There🤛fore, peop💁le off😸er stic🎐ky and 🏈9swee📕t sugar mel👮on to the Kitchen🥤 God, hoping for hi🚇s sweet reports to heaven and⚱ blessings for a peacef🎎ul new year. That’s why sugar melon is traditionally served on this day i🍮n Chi✊na. It represents a🌖 prayer🤼 for a😁 s☢afe and sweet yea🈶r ahead.






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